BELLE Capital USA Mission
BELLE Capital USA is an early stage fund that invests in high growth companies in underserved capital markets across the USA. We seek to provide a premier source of human and financial capital to the underserved market of women-led companies. We believe our market positioning will provide us with both high quality deal flow and attractive investment terms.
Women-led or owned companies are the fastest growing sector of new company creation, and women now own nearly half of all privately held US businesses. Studies by the Kauffman Foundation and leading universities have shown that venture-backed companies led by a woman typically produce higher revenues and launch on a third less capital than their male counterparts. Despite a record of greater capital efficiency and a lower failure rate than companies run by all men, women-led companies receive less than 12% of venture capital invested, and substantially less angel capital as well.
Research supports our experienced-based belief that diverse leadership teams comprised of women and men produce superior results. Women entrepreneurs have told us that if they have a choice, they would prefer to have women investors and additional top female talent on their boards of directors and advisory councils.
BELLE Capital USA's objective is to achieve a top quartile rate of return for our LPs. We plan to invest in between 10 to 15 high growth companies. Post investment, we roll up our sleeves to help our portfolio companies prepare for high value exits by recruiting top female management and board talent, and by working closely with founders and senior management to achieve rapid growth and profitability.
Our Fund's charter LPs are successful women entrepreneurs and executives who have domain experience in our target markets, proven leadership and operating experience and extensive senior contacts at global companies. BELLE Capital USA's management and investment teams are augmented by top advisory council members willing to assist our portfolio companies. BELLE Capital USA seeks to provide a trusted, learning environment for LPs and founders alike, and to encourage more women to become early stage investors. Women own 50% of the wealth yet do less than 10% of early stage investing. If just 20% of women's capital currently sitting on the sidelines could be converted to investing in early stage companies, it would transform the early stage funding landscape in the USA.